This comes from my own wisdom... and is subject to be fallacious without my knowing. But...
Believe it or not, it is much harder to please myself than to please God. What i mean is, it is actually a really heavy burden when we try to satisfy ourselves. Just stop and think now, have you ever been satisfied when trying to satisfy yourself? We can be trying to find ways to make ourselves more comfortable, more at peace, more well off, and never actually reach that goal.
God on the other hand, invites us to stop thinking of ourselves. Believe it or not, you will not be more satisfied, than when you stop trying to be. A heavy burden is lifted when you suddenly allow yourself to "not care about it anymore". When we do everything for God's glory, we're doing what we were made to do. It's a snap back to reality. Who are you?? to think that God made you to please yourself?. We are to please God. Trust me, there is not one who pleases God who is not pleasing himself at the same time, satisfied, and at peace.