Tuesday, February 01, 2005

what to do with The System

Sure, we all see it. And if we don't see it we feel it. It's called "aversion to The System". Humans can sometimes get all doubtful and critical about "The System". Any governing body that requires rules and beliefs to be followed is automatically called "The System".

The Matrix, anyone?

Of course it's not bad to question "The System". Especially if it's a system created and enforced by mere humans. I mean, what do humans know? And since when did humans agree with each other?

The question is, what do we as believers do, in order that unbelievers do not dismiss the Truth that we believe and preach, as manipulative ways to get them hooked on "The System"? God after all does have His own "System".

"For the world to see the Truth, there can be no better proof, than to live the life... live the life..." .
That is the best we can do. Whether or not unbelievers embrace the Truth or not, is entirely up to God.